Capanna Margherita in 3 days

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable emotional experience and a breathtaking panorama.
3 days on the glaciers of Monte Rosa with an overnight stay at the Capanna Margherita, to watch the world from the most coveted balcony in Europe. Reaching Capanna Margherita in 3 days is the balanced choice that will guarantee you a hike at a slow pace with balanced physical effort even if sleeping at 4554 meters will be quite demanding.
Our guides will lead you in this incredible expericene!


Day 1

Meeting in Gressoney at 2.00 pm at the Staffal ticket office. Equipment checks and distribution of technical material. Ascent by cable car to Indren and ascent on foot to Refuge Mantova, with arrival at 4.00 pm. The route from Indren to Refuge Mantova is short and not too demanding, but done calmly to mitigate altitude sickness problems, caused by the difference in altitude of over 1000 meters achieved in 30 minutes by cable car. Dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2

Ascent to Capanna Margherita at the first light of dawn, in a roped team, assisted by the guide who will accompany you on a memorable journey.
We arrive at Capanna Margherita around mid-morning. A light lunch will be served, and then a well-deserved rest before spending the evening in the highest refuge in Europe to see the most memorable sunset ever.

Day 3
After breakfast, descent to Gressoney via Cristo delle Vette and the Vincent Pyramid, two prestigious 4000m peaks in the Rosa massif, descent to Indren and then with the lift to Gressoney.

  • 5 layers of clothing for the upper body (thermal shirt, light fleece, heavy fleece, down jacket, anorak.)
  • two set of gloves (soft and ski ones)
  • sunglasses (with 3 or 4 protection)
  • heavy trousers (windproof)
  • underpants
  • gaiters
  • rigid, ankle height, waterproof boots
  • two pair of ski socks
  • headlamp
  • hat that covers your ears
  • bag sheet for the hut
  • sun screen & lip balm
  • poles
  • ice axe (if are used to it)
  • helmet is recommended but not compulsory
  • 1lt water bottle/thermos
  • harness & crampons


Privat / Group Hike –  cost of the guide:
1 alpinist € 1350,00
2 alpinists € 680,00/each
3 alpinists € 480,00/each
4 alpinists € 340,00/each
5 alpinists € 280,00/each



Anyone participating in a collective group agrees that a roped climb is a non-homogeneous group of people (max 5) who depend on each other and therefore it is necessary to adapt to the rhythm of the weakest  and to all go back, in case one of the participants feels unwell


The price includes:

UIAGM alpine guide, rental of necessary harness and crampons,

The price DOES NOT include:
the ski lifts, half board for customers and the guide in the refuge (paid by the group).

Other details

La salita alla Capanna Margherita è per tutte le persone che hanno un discreto allenamento e sanno affrontare salite di 4/5 ore più la discesa successiva. La gita non comporta difficoltà tecniche particolari. Non ci sono punti esposti e rocce da superare; si tratta di un lungo trekking sulla neve da affrontare in cordata, perché attraversa ampie aree dove sono presenti numerosi crepacci.

The ascent to Capanna Margherita is for people who are fairly fit and know how to tackle 4/5 hour climbs plus the subsequent descent. The tour does not involve particular technical difficulties. There are no exposed points and rocks to overcome; it is a long trek on the snow to be faced in a roped party, because it crosses large areas where there are numerous crevasses.

The ascent takes place from the end of June to mid-September.

Alpinism was born as a dangerous activity, the Monte Rosa guides, all UIAGM certified, will do everything possible to minimize the dangers but the risk can never be 100% eliminated and must be accepted before registering for our activities.

The Monte Rosa Guides will always do their best to help you achieve your goals and ensure you have the best possible experience; however you must agree to rely on their unquestionable judgment while you are in the mountains and to respect any decision they make, including going back, if it is deemed necessary. Being adequately prepared and having a minimum standard of fitness is necessary to maintain an adequate margin of safety in our activities. If, due to your physical condition or for any other reason, your guide decides that you are not ready for the activity you have chosen, you will be offered alternatives adapted to your level of preparation.


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